Wills, Power of Attorney, & Healthcare Proxy
Wills Lawyer in Buffalo, NY
A will is a legally binding document that can designate the distribution of your assets. Wills can be used to pass down property and financial assets to your family, friends or charities. A will can also stipulate who will become the legal guardian of your children or pets in the event of an untimely death. As an adult, it is imperative that a will be crafted to memorialize your wishes in the event of death.
What else can you do with a will?
Aside from designating how your assets will be distributed, a will can also be used to name an executor to take control of your estate, name a property manager to take care of your children’s property, provide a caretaker for your pet, and provide a backup for your living trust. While it is a good idea for most people to make up a will, some may not actually need one. If you have no children or agree with (and completely understand) how the state will distribute your property in the event of your death, you may not want a will. However, if you are unsure about any of the stipulations of a will, or what it can do for you, give us a call! We would be happy to explain everything involved with the will to you, so you can decide if it is the best option for your needs or not.
In some cases, a will may not be enough. It may be necessary to have other documents to protect your estate. In these cases, Power of Attorney and Healthcare Proxy documents can be just as important as a will.

Power of Attorney
Power of Attorney gives another person the authority to act on your behalf in certain legal and financial matters. The principal determines the amount of power given to the attorney-in-fact. The power given to the attorney can range from very specific powers meant to deal with one particular issue or can be very broad powers over health care, financial matters
Healthcare Proxy
A health care proxy allows you to appoint another person or family member to make health care decisions on your behalf if you are unable to speak for yourself. This can help your loved ones avoid a difficult situation in the event that you become unable to care for yourself.
Estate Planning
Estates Lawyer Serving Buffalo, NY
Completing your estate planning is not simply throwing together a series of documents. It means meeting with a trained professional to discuss tax planning, support obligations, guardianship, establishing trusts, and the long term planning involved with how you want your property to be distributed. What’s more, there are a number of important documents that your
Many people searching for estate planning may ask if they can use forms found online to prepare their own Will and estate documents. While these documents are available, they may not contain information or requirements specific to New York State law. By preparing your estate documents without an attorney you may lose valuable planning advice, tax information, and more